On Fri, 2 Jun 2006, David Neeley wrote:
I've noticed with other wikis that it takes a considerable effort before the average user is "sold" on the concept, enough to go through the learning curve for the various tags. Unfortunately, IIRC wiki tags are just enough different from HTML and other tagging taxonomies that it can be confusing at first.
Yes, the tags are certainly a part of the problem. Then I also think many people are simply reluctant to write something that'll end up being so visible. (Which is kind of strange since everything on this list is equally visible... OTOH, I was quite reluctant the first few messages I posted to this list).
The problem of learning all the tags will probably be better in the future. Someone is bound to create a graphical frontend for editing wiki pages - I'm confident that's just a matter of time. I've actually considered adapting LyX to being able to edit wiki pages. Due to time constraints (and capability!), I'll probably have to postpone that to the next decade unless more people would willing to collaborate on such a project.
Oh, and Christian--I would suggest you be sure to make the copyright info static with editing disallowed. Legal boilerplate is *not* the place for community-wide editing!
Hmm... ok, I just tried setting the password for editing that page to 'LyXers' (same as for uploading). My browser rememberes the password, so I'm 100% sure it's actually activated, but it should be. OTOH, I'm not really worried about changes as these are all tracked. I alos monitor what pages are changed, so I notice if that particular page was edited. The main reason I prefer it editable is so that people could add questions/comments to it.
/Christian http://wiki.lyx.org/Site/Copyrights -- Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr