I just ran into a really weird lyx problem on Fedora Core 5 and tetex-3.0-19. It is so interesting I want to share and ask for help:
http://pj.freefaculty.org/latex/weirdRotations-lyx.tar.gz That tarball has a lyx file and 3 eps files that I generated with R. Two of the eps files are in landscape mode, one is portrait (horizontal). By default, R generates eps files in landscape mode and using some interfaces for R, it is more-or-less difficult to make them come out in portrait mode. So it might be useful to have a good & dependable way in LyX to manage eps files that are in landscape mode. If you open the LyX document and view that in dvi, ps2pdf, pdflatex, and dvipdfm, the treatment of the eps graphics is different in each one. The dvi output is about what I expect, but pdflatex turns the graphs so they are right side up, ps2pdf turns the figure titles on the right side in lanscape mode, and dvipdfm does something else altogether. If I rotate the images so they are "right side up" in dvi mode, then the pdf output is also excitingly different. And it is not a good kind of excitement. If you would please download this and test it out, I would be glad to hear if you see the same troubles. Because a lot of my work depends on being able to create pdf files that are accurate representations of the dvi/ps files that LyX creates. -- Paul E. Johnson Professor, Political Science 1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504 University of Kansas