Marcelo Acuña wrote: > Hello, > I am using titlesec package for customize titles, and I want to use it for > replace fancy package in header and footer because this package have an > error. But I don´t know how to use titlesec for this. Doc that became with > package is very difficult. I need put a rule, title of chapter and title of > section in header and number of page in the middle of footer. Where I can get > documentation more easy? > I believe this package is discussed in the /LaTeX Companion/. I think something close to what you want to do is also done in titlesec.tex, though, from which the documentation was generated, and I always find that it's easiest in these cases to work from examples. You might try something like:
\renewpagestyle{headings}[OPTIONAL]{ \headrule \sethead{\chaptertitle}{}{\sectiontitle} \setfoot{}{\usepage}{} } I don't know which order you wanted the chapter and section title in, so you may have to change that. Use \sethead* to have the order switch on even and odd pages. Where I've put "OPTIONAL", you can put any commands you want to apply to both the header and the footer, e.g., font commands like: \small\sffamily. If you want to change the font just locally, you can put that in the \sethead and \setfoot commands, e.g.: \sethead{\bfseries\chaptertitle}{}{\slshape\sectiontitle} Since we're renewed the headings page style, that's the one you'll want to use. Then you will not get this kind of heading on plain pages. If you want it there, too, renew plain and use that. Richard