> > I am using titlesec package for customize titles, > and I want to use it for replace fancy package in > header and footer because this package have an > error. But I don´t know how to use titlesec for > this. Doc that became with package is very > difficult. I need put a rule, title of chapter and > title of section in header and number of page in the > middle of footer. Where I can get documentation more > easy? > > > I believe this package is discussed in the /LaTeX > Companion/. I can´t get this book in my country. > I think something close to what you want to do is > also done in titlesec.tex,
I can get only titlesec.dvi > You might try something like: > > \renewpagestyle{headings}[OPTIONAL]{ > \headrule > \sethead{\chaptertitle}{}{\sectiontitle} > \setfoot{}{\usepage}{} > } I put this in preamble and nothing occurs. When I add \pagestyle{headings} I get error: extra } I chequed for {} and all is OK, but error appears. What happens? Thanks in advance. Marcelo __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! ¡Abrí tu cuenta ya! - http://correo.yahoo.com.ar