On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 07:44 pm, Griera wrote this for perusal by us all:
>---> A Divendres 31 Març 2006 01:36, Charlie va escriure:
>---> > Hello,
>---> >
>---> > I am new to this list and joined because I am using Lyx more and more
> as my ---> > preferred word processor.
>---> >
>---> > I must have overlooked something, but find I am unable to copy and
> paste ---> > text from Lyx to my email program [kmail] simple or advanced
> text ---> > editors[kedit, kate]? But can copy to Openoffice.org, and then
> into the ---> > above. Is there are simple straight from Lyx way?
>---> If you use debian sarge, you can install the i2e package and open both,
> lyx ---> and i2e. Then you can do cute and past from lyx to kde
> applications. Regards. --->

You're not wrong Griera,

Thank you. That is one work around and will save me building a .deb from the 
Lyx 1.4 source, which I can't even get too from the Lyx website. which might 
also be another bug.

The above was copied out of Lyx.

Thanks again,

Registered Linux User:- 329524
Religion is not to go to God by forsaking the world but to find Him in it. Our 
faith is to believe in our essential oneness with Him. "God is in us and we 
in Him" must be made the most fundamental faith of all religions. 
-----------SOEN SHAKU

Brilliant Debian Sarge 3.1

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