Nick Thomas wrote: n c thomas {at} worldemail {period} com
eliminate spaces and normalize the email address above

Dear Stephen,

Gladly.  I attach the program and supporting files in a zip file.
Just locate the zip file in your home directory and extract it there. It will create a folder named "ConvLaTex" in your documents directory with the programs, dictionaries etc. It will also place a link in your home directory to the Lyx document explaining the thing and where I've got to. You can of course delete the zip file once unpacked, and the link when you've finished with it.

Should I copy it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well?

Nick Thomas

Thank you for the zipfile. I will test its capability.
The zipfile is about 95k and I think is too large to be
attached in an email to the User list, so an interested
party can write you with a request. Perhaps putting it
on the LyX Wiki is a good idea?

I think ConvTex.lyx is small enough to attach to the
User list though, and will allow those interested to
read a bit about this. There are requests for how to
convert to Word and html and this may prove to be a
good tool and a valuable addition to the LyXer toolkit.

Best regards,

Attachment: ConvTex.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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