Hi Bennett and others,

Eagerly waiting for the official release, I upgraded today from LyX 1.3.6 to LyX 1.4.0 on a fully patched Tiger system, using ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/bin/1.4.0/LyX-1.4.0-Mac.dmg (date 08.03.2006 21:35:00 Uhr).

Starting the application, it gave me an error message, saying:
"Error while reading the configuration file:
Please check your installation."

I can only confirm with OK and the application does not start.

Looking at the package content, the file actually sits in:

Changing in the file
~/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-1.4/preferences
the  line
\ui_file "/Applications/Work/Latex/LyX.app/Contents/Resources/Lyx/ui/default.ui"
\ui_file "/Applications/Work/Latex/LyX.app/Contents/Resources/ui/default.ui"
fixed the problem for me.

Can you fix this in the dmg-file (if it is not only a problem in my setup)?

Thanks for the great work you all do!!!


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