Thanks Helge,

Can you pls explain how to find the default margin settings (so I can
tweak them, because they are blank in the UI (user interface)). Is good
for my LaTeX/LyX knowlegde...

(note that I do not set a font size for Palatino, so I guess it is 10
pt, probably not a good idea to make it smaller)

Met vriendelijke groet,

Peter Hegt

-----Original Message-----
From: Helge Hafting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: vrijdag 24 februari 2006 11:01
To: Peter Hegt
Subject: Re: Palatino leads to many overfull hbox-es

Peter Hegt wrote:

>Tried \usepackage{microtype}, result looks quite nice. Much less 
>overfull hbox-es. Maybe I could reduce the left & right margins a 
>little to get to about 60 letters per line (or is this a sin, even for 
The margins are adjustable because they are meant to be. :-) You can
reduce them a little, but take care so it don't get ugly.
Also consider adjusting the top/bottom margins by the same percentage as
the side margins.

There is no single standard for the margins on A5 or any other paper.
About 66 letters per line is considered optimal.  More, and the reader
gets trouble finding the next line.  Less, and he has to move his eyes a
lot, and you get trouble with the line breaks.

A smaller font will also help, but may cause readability problems.

Helge Hafting

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