Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> Hi there! I was messing around after looking at this tutorial
> ( on how to get XY pic to work on LyX
> and I got some limited tree support with xytree and TIPA working!

That's nice indeed. Even if I knew we have some provisional code for tipa in 
our sources, I never figured out how to use it, and stuck with ERT.

I think you should create an info page on the LyX wiki for this.

> I heard that this support was going out in LyX
> 1.4, but this makes me very sad. Since it's so easy to add the support
> for trees and TIPA like this, why not add it for real in the next
> release? I'm sure it would make many linguists very happy.

AFAIK xymatrix was removed because it was rather buggy. Anyway, I think 
there's interest to readd it again soon, maybe even enhance it, see:

Concerning TIPA, I'm tempted to have a look in the next development cycle (for 
1.5), but don't hold your breath. There are so many things to do, and even if 
I'm a linguist myself, I don't need phonetic symbols frequently enough to get 
annoyed by the lacking support ;-)


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