On Jan 24, 2006, at 1:17 AM, Ian Stevenson wrote:
Dear Lyx Users,
I have just started with Lyx and am having problems with the teTex
install. I need some assistance in diagnosing the problem. Here are
the details:
OS: Max OS X 10.3.9
Lyx Version 1.3.7
Tex and Ghostscript 8 installed (?) with i-Installer
The problem:
No "View > DVI" Menu item
The "Help > Latex Configuration" document shows "???" against the
"found:" entry for each item
The "View > Tex Information" shows nothing in the dialogue below
the classes etc.
Running "Help > Latex Configuration" results in a "Textclass error
- ...missing TeX class article..."
"Edit > Reconfigure" does not seem to resolve the problem
Creating and/or deleting "~/.lyx" does not seem to resolve the problem
How can I verify the tex/LaTex installation?
What should I do next?
Did you run the LyX installer script from the installer volume? That
should tell you if you have a teTeX installation. (To be sure, you
can go to the Terminal and enter "which pdflatex", and it should give
you a path to that file's location.)
The LyX User's folder is now located at ~/Library/Application Support/
LyX. Running the installer script should move your old folder from
~/.lyx to this new location.
What happens if you run (from the Terminal) /Applications/LyX.app/
Contents/Resources/lyx/configure (or change "/Applications" to point
to the directory where you have LyX.app installed)? Does the output
from this indicate that LyX can find latex and other relevant files?
(Not all of them will say "yes", but standard ones like latex and
document class article should.)