Ian -

Sorry for letting your e-mail slip past me without a response.

On Jan 24, 2006, at 7:24 PM, Ian Stevenson wrote:

(To be sure, you can go to the Terminal and enter "which pdflatex", and it should give you a path to that file's location.)

Ian-Stevensons-Computer:~ ianstevenson$ which pdflatex

Good ... and it's clear that LyX can find the installation.

What happens if you run (from the Terminal) /Applications/LyX.app/ Contents/Resources/lyx/configure

Ian-Stevensons-Computer:~ ianstevenson$ /Applications/LyX.app/ Contents/Resources/lyx/configure
checking for a LaTeX2e program... (latex latex2e)
+checking for "latex"... yes
checking for the pdflatex program... (pdflatex)
+checking for "pdflatex"... yes
checking LaTeX configuration... auto
+Inspecting your LaTeX configuration.
+checking for LaTeX version... 2003/12/01
+checking for default encoding (this may take a long time)
+  checking for ec fonts... yes
+  checking for ec support in LaTeX format... yes
+checking for document class IEEEtran [IEEEtran]... no
+checking for document class aa [aa]... no
+checking for document class aapaper [aa]... no
+checking for document class aastex [aastex]... no
+checking for document class agums [aguplus,agums.sty]... no
+checking for document class amsart-plain [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsart-seq [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsart [amsart]... yes
+checking for document class amsbook [amsbook]... yes
+checking for document class apa [apa,apacite.sty]... no
+checking for document class article [article]... yes
+checking for document class book [book]... yes

All this looks normal.

My guess is that for some reason the PATH environment variable isn't being set properly from within LyX. Check LyX > Preferences > Paths > PATH prefix: it should be set to "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/ teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current:/usr/X11R6/bin:/sw/bin:/opt/ local/teTeX/bin" (without the quotes). (In theory running the installer script should take care of this, but perhaps something went wrong in your case.) Also make sure that other paths are pointing to the new location of your LyX user's folder, so that LyXServer pipe is set to (in my case) "/Users/bennett/Library/Application Support/ LyX/.lyxpipe" (again without the quotes).

If you've made changes there, run Edit > Reconfigure once again, and see if it works.


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