----- Original Message -----
From: "Angus Leeming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Cc: <lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: [announce] sixth release of LyXWinInstaller
Stephen Harris wrote:
The Miktex installation doc recommends installing Miktex into paths
and/or directories without spaces. LyX has a history of problems
with paths having spaces some passed on from Miktex.
13 July 2005
Axel Rasche reported that spaces in the file path caused BibTeX to fail.
The adopted solution copies the BibTeX data base to the temp directory,
mangling its name in the process into something that's both recognizable
to the user and useable by BibTeX. Note that this fix hasn't yet made it
into the official sources.
??? Yes it has. It's in the cvs repositories and will be part of future
1.3.7/1.4.0 releases.
I left the date and the version number intact to avoid confusion.
Apparently it wasn't clear that I was quoting LyX Wiki webpages.
This was just one of a few examples to demonstrate that Lyx or
its helper programs have a history of problems with paths with
spaces. It related to your remark that fixing it took time/effort:
"We jump through a lot of hoops to ensure that your BibTeX data
base will continue to work if it lives in a path with spaces. I don't
see any reason at all to add a heap of fragile code to cover the .bst
file too. In my view this one get's filed under WONTFIX."