Bo Peng wrote:
The mistake is making C:\Program files the default for LyX and
I totally agree. I think it is a good idea to install Lyx to c:\lyx by default.
No, the directory must be configurable. On my (German) machine, the
appropriate directory is "C:\Programme". There is nothing worse than
programs that ignore basic Windows guidelines.
This will save us from some troubles, but not all. Most windows users
save their files under "...\My Documents" or "... and
Settings\Desktop" and will still suffer from this problem. It is quite
tricky to move these folders to something like D:\Documents.
Indeed. We cannot assume that all Windows users have administrator
privileges (in fact they shouldn't). Being unable to use "\My Documents"
is like forbidding a *nix user to use $HOME (guess what he will tell you
In other words: We have to support spaces in paths to the maximum extent.