Michael Gerz wrote:

> Bo Peng wrote:
>>>The mistake is making C:\Program files the default for LyX and
>>I totally agree. I think it is a good idea to install Lyx to c:\lyx by
> No, the directory must be configurable. On my (German) machine, the
> appropriate directory is "C:\Programme". There is nothing worse than
> programs that ignore basic Windows guidelines.
>>This will save us from some troubles, but not all. Most windows users
>>save their files under "...\My Documents" or "... and
>>Settings\Desktop" and will still suffer from this problem. It is quite
>>tricky to move these folders to something like D:\Documents.
> Indeed. We cannot assume that all Windows users have administrator
> privileges (in fact they shouldn't). Being unable to use "\My Documents"
> is like forbidding a *nix user to use $HOME (guess what he will tell you
> :-)).
> In other words: We have to support spaces in paths to the maximum extent.

Right. And since I install at C:\Program Files\LyX and the bloody thing
works for me, I'm going to put on my grumpy old man hat and say it's a
"user error" to try and use a .bst file in a path with spaces.

Signing off this thread now...


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