On Mon, Jan 02, 2006 at 10:00:58AM +0100, Lars Olesen wrote: > I just written a thesis in Danish. This is my preamble: [...] > Second, I'm not satisfied with the way Lyx divides the Danish words. > Anyway I can turn this off, or perhaps avoid som words are split?
I guess your latex isn't set up to hyphenate Danish correctly, here is how to fix it (if you have tetex, at least): Run texconfig Select hyphenation Select latex You should get the hyphenation settings loaded in a text editor. Make sure there is a line somewhere reading danish dkhyphen.tex There should not be a percent sign (%) in front of it - if it is, remove the percent sign. If you have to make a change - save the file and exit texconfig. Then try printing again. Another possibility: Make sure the danish text in your document isn't accidentally marked as English. If it is, it will get English hyphenation which won't fit very well. Helge Hafting