Dear list,

I have a fresh suse 10.0 (32bit) install. I have compiled
LyX 1.3.7cvs with XForms and I started it.
I am using hungarian gui (.po) with accented characters.
Instead of the accented letters I get 
two strange symbols per caracter as you can see on the
attached picture.

What is the problem? How to resole it? 
I don't have any idea! I could not find any setting in Yast
for displaying preferences. :(

I have tried to convert the .po file to utf-8 encoding, but
it has no effect!

My setting for locale is:

I have compiled this also with Qt, but that is Ok! 

I can make rpm for suse 10.0, if somebody request it even
for 1.4.0pre3.


Halld és lásd a 20. századot! Cikkek és videók a század történelmi eseményeiről
az [origo] Múltkor oldalán.

Attachment: utf-8.png
Description: PNG image

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