To Angus:
Sorry for probably OT question, just beacuse you
mentioned it: which key do you refer to as compose
key? (is there an equivalent on usual keyboards, or is
it something special to some keyboards: mine seems not
to have one. Only Ctrl, Alt and Shift....).


--- Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stefano Franchi wrote:
> > My keyboard is acting strangely again, and I need
> to use the minibuffer
> > to input accented characters and similia. But I
> can't remember the
> > function needed to input the German hard-S. Can
> anyone help? Thanks.
> > 
> > Stefano
> Hi, Stefano.
> The latex command is \ss{}, no? There's no native
> support for this in LyX.
> Our German developers have always been happy enough
> with a functioning
> keyboard or compose key (Compose-s-s here gives ß).
> -- 
> Angus

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