Tysdag 8. november 2005 17:59 skreiv Gour:
> Lars Gullik Bjønnes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Note that code share is in the very high 90's %.

> So, it means that, in case qt goes non-gpl or something, it would not be
> too hard to port to another toolkit?

Lyx source code was divided in 2000(-01?) into two parts, one which is 
gui-independent and similar for all toolkits and a part that was dependent on 
the toolkit. (the toolkits started at that time was xforms, qt and gtk). 

So it is possible to port to other tookits without to much work (Not that I 
could do it :) ). However, there have been little interest in gtk port it 
seems, judging by the speed of development. 

However, this gui-independence means, as far as I have understood it, that you 
have to code into lyx a lot of library-stuff, like spellchecker, as you can 
not rely on code that might not be present in some toolkits/environments. 

You do not need to worry about trolltech removing qt from its gpl license. It 
can't happen, the source code is out there covered by gpl. Trolltech might, 
if they turn bad, stop releasing new versions of qt under gpl. In that case 
the last gpl released qt-version turns to a bsd license. 

and even more kde myths debunked here :)


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