On Nov 8, 2005, at 10:07 AM, Angus Leeming wrote:
However, before any eager soul jumps on this frontend bandwagon, I'd
like to introduce a note of caution and suggest that you really,
really shouldn't create yet another frontend to LyX. Time is limited,
there are only so many of us and another frontend would just be more
to maintain for no real benefit.
I think we'd all like to see improved core functionality in future
releases. The last three or four years have seen increased prettiness
and stability and *much* nicer code but little real increase in what
LyX can actually do. Now that we have something that's at least
reasonably modern looking, let's turn the thing into the world beater
we always hoped it would be.
While I sympathize here, doing a Cocoa / GNUstep front-end really
provides a lot of nice capabilities ``for free'' (Services!) and
provides one with a nice version for Mac OS X and Linux and possibly
Windows depending on the state of the mgstep libraries, and I believe
there's even a Zaurus port.
In particular, it'd jump-start native UTF-8 support.
William Adams, publishing specialist
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