Am Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2005 16:09 schrieb Sanders, Maarten (M.J.L.):
> Georg/Angus,
> From within the GUI things work fine. It is just the conversion on the
> commandline that does not do the part where the gif file is converted to
> some format pdflatex understands. Convert is present on my system.
> This could be a bug but also be my understanding of the steps I need to
> take do this from the commandline, e.g.:
> $ lyx --export latex mylyxfile.lyx <--works
> $ missing step?? <-- some step to convert all gifs to something pdflatex
> understands

This should be done automatically by LyX.

> $ pdflatex mylyxfile.tex <-- works, except for the gif

There is no missing step. commandline export should produce identical results 
to GUI export.


PS: Please always reply to the list

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