> I guess we should ephasize the relationship of LaTeX to LyX (or vice
> versa) and ask developers to take care of the VERY *basic* and *most*
> frequently happening "inconsistencies."

As I have said, there are not many such 'basic' things.
\textrm{\times} is the single most annoying one.

> The reaction of your advisor (saying LyX is a poor man's Scientific
> Worksplace) is really making me furious... I had similar episode with my
> advisor...

I personally prefer lyx to SWP, not because lyx is free, (my
university has site license of SWP) but because it is compatible with
other latex systems, totally customizable (shortcuts) and available
under linux.

However, I do understand my advisor's reaction. He can install SWP by
himself (I had to discourage him from installing lyx on his home
computer by himself), type and print things without errors (lyx file
get 'corrupted' soon). Although lyx is better in many other ways, he
can not appreciate it until he uses lyx more.

> LyX does what it promises to do and it does it, at least for me,
> absolutely the BEST! LyX's files are compact, they always work and are
> editable. Also LyX is lightning-fast and extremelly robust. I never lost
> anything and I could always open my files and be happy about their contents.
> So, thank you guys who spend time helping LyX grow!



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