> People will eventually want to use some package
> unsupported by LyX or do some kind of customization and then they will
> simply have to learn LaTeX.

If we can keep a new user for a week, we will have him for good. After
lyx/latex becomes irreplaceable, he will join this list and learn some
latex and advanced lyx. The situation now is that most (windows) users
are scared away by the long installation process (2+ hours),
not-out-of-box configuration (have to set path to ps, acrobat reader
manually), erroneous error messages etc in a day.

> I was thinking it would be nice to write a short document explaining
> these intricate details brought over from LaTeX to people who do not
> have the background...

There are not many 'intricate details' if a user does not use things
like  ERT and customized packages. The top two items in my FAQ list
(1. this \textrm{\alpha} thing, 2. insert \cases without amsmath,
which I do not know if it is still there.) account for 80% of the

> But on the other hand it's their arrogance to assume you can use
> something as complex as LyX/LaTeX without ever learning about
>  the underlying philosophy.

That is why the first 1/3 of my lyx tutorial (available on lyx/wiki)
is about latex.


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