Are you using the mirror of the cvs repository? If so,
then the directory has indeed changed, as described here:
Please change all references of /cvs to /var/cvs when referring to (AKA

It's been some time since I last used CVS version of LyX so I don't remember which mirror I used, but I followed the instructions described on the "main" site.

I don't remember the cvs command, so I tried to click on "Details can be
 found here" on the Download page at However I always get a

I've read the thread but I still cannot figure out the whole cvs command. Could you, please, write it down for me? I'm sorry, I don't have that much experience with CVS so it's hard for me to derive the command + paths...

We're using LyX 1.3.6 for our publications needs :) But I thought I'd give 1.4 a try for my thesis...

Thank you for your help,


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