David Soukal wrote:
>>  CVSROOT=pserver:anoncvs AT anoncvs.us.lyx.org:/var/cvs/lyx
>>  export CVSROOT
>>  cvs login
>>  (the password is lyx)
>>  cvs checkout -d your_dir_name lyx-devel

> Thank you Angus, this works perfect! I have the sources now!
> However, later I ran into the following two problems:

> 1) tex2lyx won't compile, if fails with the following error

Fixed an hour or so ago by Jean-Marc. There may be some delay before the
updated code propagates through to the anoncvs mirror.

> 2) I configured lyx with --prefix=/home/david/temp/lyx-install to have
> LyX installed in my local working directory, but when I tried to run
> LyX, I got this error:

> Unable to determine the system directory having searched
>          /home/david/temp/lyx-install/share/lyx/
> Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or set the environment variable
> LYX_DIR_14x to the LyX system directory containing the file
> `chkconfig.ltx'.

You don't need to install it to use it. Personally, I have a symlink
$HOME/bin/qlyxcvs that points to $HOME/lyx/devel/build/src/lyx-qt . Works
like a charm.

You'll be unable to run "make install" successfully until the tex2lyx
problem is resolved.


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