----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Wojcik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Spellchecker - My stupidity!
Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:
While two open single quotes are needed - ie `` - the use of " is
valid for closing quotes.
Needed why? In LyX, the " character should be suitable for both. (See
User's Guide on setting quote-character options.)
Michael Wojcik
Here is an example taken from an explanation of how to write correct
syntax when using regular expressions.
Quotes (double quotes). Double quotes are used around strings containing
any reserved character except back-quote (see below) and the variable
indicator ``$''.
foo$ echo "old -> new"
old -> new
foo$ ls "*"
* not found
Quote (forward quote). The single quote provides the greatest protection
against rewriting and reserved characters. All reserved characters,
including double quotes, are protected by single quotes.
Back Quote (backwards quote). The backquote is a rather special symbol.
In /bin/sh, unless the backquote is protected by one of the valid means
above, the contents of the string contained between the backquotes will
be executed and the output from that execution written in place of the
backquoted string.
foo$ echo "You are currently logged into host `hostname`"
You are currently logged into host foo
SH: Notice that ``$'' which is used in the first paragraph consists
of two back quotes plus a ' and a ' equalling a '' whereas the other
symbols which appear in the explanation are just one symbol " and
distinguish between functionality and appearance in the regex line
which would not (usually) come up in most textual contexts.