----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Wojcik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "LyX Users" <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Spellchecker - My stupidity!

Stephen P. Harris wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Wojcik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Geoffrey Lloyd wrote:

While two open single quotes are needed - ie `` - the use of " is
valid for closing quotes.

Needed why? In LyX, the " character should be suitable for both. (See User's Guide on setting quote-character options.)

Here is an example taken from an explanation of how to write correct
syntax when using regular expressions.

Not a compelling example, I'm afraid, unless I'm missing something. The example you provided isn't a LyX file, and its use of the "backquote" and "single quote" characters to resemble double-quote character is hardly necessary. Regular double-quote characters would have served just as well.

Perhaps my comment is off target. I gave the url of the webpage that
the example was taken from which means it was written in html.

I was thinking, suppose one is writing a tutorial on regular expressions
using LyX. Then one decides to convert the file to html for a webpage.
Since scripts are often copied and pasted from webpages, I thought it
would make a difference whether the source document used " or ''
one alt-34 character vs. two alt-39 characters, which display the same
looking character but function differently in how the regex would work,
as ' and " do not work exactly the same in all script/shells for enclosures.

More importantly, your example doesn't touch on Geoffrey's claim that
"two open single quotes are needed [but the double quote character] is
valid for closing quotes".

Then I guess my post is irrelevant and inconsequential.

Michael Wojcik

Thanks for your correction,

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