Hi again!
The location is correct. Did you edit the contents of the layout file?
Specifically, did you change the argument of the \DeclareLaTeXClass
command near the top of the layout file? That tells LyX what to name
the class in the list of layouts. If you don't change that, either you
create a conflict with an existing class or your layout is listed but
you don't recognize it.
Yes I did change the title bit and the file name both to docsummary! I
didn't change much else though (basically copied article.layout)
If you did that, can you post your layout file so we can check it out?
Here it is. Like I said, just copied the code:
Input stdclass.inc
MaxCounter Counter_Section
SecNumDepth 3
TocDepth 3
Style Part
Align Left
AlignPossible Left
TopSep 2
BottomSep 1.5
Size Larger
Style Part*
Align Left
AlignPossible Left
TopSep 2
BottomSep 1.5
Size Larger
I hate to take much of your time so feel free to ignore me, but would
anyone be willing to help me with the code as well? The sytax seems
different from the .cls files, and I can't find anything on writing
.layout files in the lyx help, and all I want are just a couple of small
changes...anyway, here's how I would like my doc to look like, if anyone
can tell me how to code this I'd really appreciate it, but like I said,
feel free to ignore me if I'm being a nuisance:
-A4 portrait, 1.5 margins all over
-Title one column, but all rest of document two columns
-All fonts Courier New
-Title: centered, 11pt, bold, small caps, expanded 5pt, red
-Heading 1: left align, 8pt, bold, small caps, red
-Heading 2: left align, 8pt, bold, small caps, green
-Standard and Equations: left align, 8pt
-All headings unnumbered. Other than that don't need anything else like
captions, etc.
-This is an extra: For each equation (left aligned) it would be great if I
could add a small graph (right aligned) on the same line. But if it can't
be done I'll just have to add it underneath or something.
Thanks once more!