On Tuesday 21 June 2005 17:33, Sam Lewis wrote:

> Try to enter {the name of the author} in brackets, as in the following
> example. This should ensure that the output in your reference section
> and throughout the text will be in the desired format.

Thanks! That did the trick. :-)

> produces the effect you have described. Depending on your bibtex data
> management application this might not need to done in code, but could
> possibly be achieved in via an interface, or even automatically by the
> application itself.

I simply entered the {brackets} in the interface of JabRef. 

> LyX is perfectly fine for social scientists and in conjunction with a
> reasonable bibtext application pre-deadline problems might
> be even further reducible :-)


Still a little puzzled with the difference between apalike.bst and apalike.bst 
(for Natbib). ;-) There has been postings mealier with a guy who experienced 
near-deadline problems as the numbers of references grew to a certain number. 
Maybe because he used a style not compatible with natbib. I use natbib with 
autor-year style right now (and it is working), but I am am afraid that I am 
also using an apalike.bst which was not written for NatBib.


Roskilde University, Denmark.
Department of Technology and Social Science.
International Development Studies.
ESST - Society, Science and Technology in Europe.

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