Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:

> Angus Leeming writes:
>> Another way would be to use BibTeX and some black magic :)
>> Seriously.
>> As Jürgen says, the jurabib package can do what you want "out of the
>> box". LyX 1.4.x will support jurabib and \citetitle, but for now I'd
>> suggest that you could set things up in LyX to use natbib and set your
>> citations as \citeauthor say. If you abuse your BibTeX data base so
>> that the authors are actually the magazine title then you're done.
> I just tried this using the author field and it worked fine (though I
> then have to add the italics). I guess I can still use ERT to add the
> citation...
> \textit{\cite{cicerone}}

Really? Why not do that in the BibTeX database?

@String{BAUHAUS = {\textit{Das Bauhaus}}}

 author = {BAUHAUS},
 title  = {foo},
 publisher = {bar},
 year   = 2005,

Admittedly, it doesn't look very pretty within LyX, appearing as 
[BAUHAUS], but that's not soooooo bad.


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