Me, again. :-)

The project I am working on frequently refers to titles of magazines, 
works of art, publications, etc. It has occurred to me that this could 
cause a number of problems later on if, for example, the spelling or 
title changes, or something with the style (I'm using emphasis/italics) 
needs to be modified. True, I can probably solve most of these with 
find/replace, but that can be tricky with things like "Das Bauhaus" (as 
the name of a publication) and "Das Bauhaus war..." (as part of the 

Is there a way to structurally identify such objects such that when later 
we should find out that the publication was not called "Der Cicerone" but 
rather "Das Bologne" or something, that I can update all 364 mentions of 
this by making one change (without resorting to find/replace)?

Seems like this is almost a citation-type problem...

Thanks, as always, in advance for your patience and assistance.


Kevin Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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