
I don't know about the Harvard style ( I use Oxford), but the Mac/Lyx + BibDesk combination is exactly what I use and it works fine. Assuming you're asking for help on the interaction between the two, here it goes.
BibDesk is a reference manager: you use it to enter and update your references and save to save them to a .bib file. All the editing (and only the editing) of references is done in BibDesk.
In Lyx, you need to insert the file containing the references (which you have edited in BibDesk) somewhere in the document--usually at the end. The command is Insert>Lists & Toc> BibTex Reference. In the dialog box that pops up you select the file and the biblio style. Once you have selected the .bib file, you'll have all your references available. When you need to insert one in your text, the command is Insert> Citation reference.

Someone else will have to help you with the Harvard style, I am afraid.



On Feb 9, 2005, at 6:26 PM, James Bennett wrote:

I can't work out how to get my references in LyX into the style I want
(Harvard - (Author, Date)). I'm using LyX on Mac OSX (v10.3.7) with the
BibTeX-based referencing program bibdesk (v0.97.8). As I am painfully
ignorant, I am not even certain whether I need to change/insert things
in LyX or in Bibdesk. Can anyone help?

Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy                  Ph:  (64) 9 373-7599 x83940
University Of Auckland                  Fax: (64) 9 373-7408
Private Bag 92019                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand                     

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