I've recently been through the learning experience trying to use Harvard, and gave up because it doesn't work with natbib. So I made some notes about customizing bst files and hope people think the notes are useful.


In that same directory, I left the apsa2.bst and apsa2.dbj files that are mentioned in there.

Good luck.


Tomoharu Nishino wrote:
A couple of things to try:

Make sure that Use Natbib is enabled in Layout->Documents and you've selected Author-Date.

When inserting BibTex Reference, you might try one of the following styles:


As far as I can tell, apsrmp looks pretty much like the Harvard style, though I haven't really checked carefully for differences.

If for some reason the above are not good enough and you must have precisely the Harvard style, I think there is a Harvard style out there. But I don't think it is installed as part of the Mac/fink installation of TeTeX (it might be part of the i-installer installation). If it is not installed, you need to go to tug.ctan.org and locate the harvard.sty and appropriate .bst files (agsm.bst, I think, but there are probably others). Install these files, then do \usepackage{harvard} in the preamble (Layout>Document).

Hope this helps.


On Feb 9, 2005, at 11:58 PM, James Bennett wrote:

Thanks Stephano - I've got LyX and Bibdesk talking to each other okay
(in the manner you described), but I can't get it to produce the
referencing style I'm after: I  should have made myself clearer.

Basically my problem is that I can't find the style I'm after in the

Insert>Lists & Toc> BibTex Reference

dialogue box (after I have selected my .bib file). I want to add the
Harvard referencing style to this box, but I have no idea how to do
this, or whether I can even do this in LyX.

If anyone is nifty with this sort of thing, I'd greatly appreciate any



Paul E. Johnson                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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