Gour wrote:


Sometime in the end of June I posted about having problem entering accented
characters (Sanskrit diacritics like a_macron, i_dotabove, h_dotbelow...) in
LyX via dead-keys - actually only entering chars with acute accent works (I tried both Xf & Qt front-ends).

On 2nd of July I submitted a bug report (#1625) along with the lyx -dbg 4 log
demonstrating the problem.

However, the bug is still unconfirmed and I did not receive any reply regards.

My understanding is that unicode support is
planned after lyx 1.4.

I understand that developers are busy fixing other things, but before leaving
LyX (the current LyX unability to handle accented chars properly - athough it
worked in the past, is a real stopper for me :-( and going with Kile (by using
ucs package, I can enter & process utf-8 chars), I'd like to know what are the
current plans for Unicode support in LyX, i.e. can one expect anything before

I'm no authority on this - but I don't think so.  Well, you may
consider running CVS versions of lyx when the
developers start working on unicode.

There is one way of speeding up development if
you really want unicode much earlier:
code it yourself or sponsor someone who can do it.

Unicode is nice - but it will take some work.

Helge Hafting

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