Angus Leeming wrote:

> Finally, since I'm really doing this to get my beautiful latex document
> into my boss's MSWord. (Grrrrr! Don't ask.)

Why don't you convert with oolatex to OpenOffice Writer and from there to
MsWord ? My guess is that you will get better results.

The other way round, I'm testing MsWord --> OpenOffice --> LyX through
Writer2Latex and I'm getting good results ; on par with the commercial
Word2Tex. If the MsWord document is structured with a style sheet, you can
really have a nice import because Writer2LateX can map the wordprocessor
styles to the LateX class style. The weakest link is RelyX which has no
support for longtable.

Import / Export to OpenOffice in LyX 1.4 through (Writer2LateX and Tex4HT)
would be nice and we could get rid of the old import through Wv which is
very limited.


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