
I think you've got two possible options. The first is to define your own 
BibTeX style file using makebst, which is run as follows

tex makebst

then answer the relevant questions. I'm not 100% positive, but I think that 
one of these may allow you to specify uppercase names in the list of 

The other option, which is a bit clunkier, is to edit the .bst file that 
you're using. If you look in your chosen .bst file you should see a section 
which looks like

FUNCTION {format.authors}
{ author empty$
    { "" }
      author format.names scaps

The example above outputs the authors names in small caps, but you can change 
this by replacing 'scaps' with 'uppercase', i.e.

      author format.names uppercase

You'll then need to add a new function to the same file, e.g.

FUNCTION {uppercase}
{ "u"$ } 

This converts a string completely to uppercase. There's probably a much more 
elegant way of doing this, I'm far from being a BibTeX expert, but this 
should do the trick prior to your deadline.

Good luck,


> Sorry for a non-LyX question here, but I'm a bit hard up.  I've posted
> this to comp.text.tex but don't know when (if) I'll get a response, and
> I'm facing something of a deadline.
> I have a paper (written with LyX, of course) ready to ship to a journal.
>   The catch is that they want authors' names in the usual mixed case in
> citation but all in uppercase (*not* small caps, by the way) in the
> bibliography.  In other words, something like
> (Howard, M., Fine, L. and Howard, C. 1950) in the text but
> HOWARD, M., FINE, L., and HOWARD, C. (1950)
> in the bibliography.
> The BiBTeX database has the names in mixed case, and after reading all
> docs I could find and Googling both the web and comp.text.tex, I can't
> find a trick to switch them to uppercase in the bibliography.  Of
> course, I can retype the database with author names capitalized, but
> then they're uppercase in the text, which is wrong.
> Short of abandoning BiBTeX and typing in the references the
> old-fashioned way, can this be done?
> Thanks,
> -- Paul

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