Stefano Franchi wrote:

I am asked by a publisher to submit a book length manuscript in camera-ready form and unfortunately they don't provide LaTeX classes. In fact, they have given me Microsoft Word instructions :-( I think I can use the Book class in LyX to do everything they want,

Better use 'memoir' or the 'koma-script' book class, because they are more flexible.

but I can't find out how to change the height and width of the text block. The text on the page must be exactly 4.5" x 7.5" from the top of the running head to the bottom of the last text line (there are no footers). Can anyone help? I could not find how to do it in the LyX documentation and I am no LaTeX expert (that much should be clear).

You can change all layout paramters in the pramble. The parameters are shown in

e.g. insert to the preamble th line


The possible units are listed here:

To see the current values of the parameters, use the package 'layout',
as described here:

Some of the parameters can be adjusted in the LyX-menu

regards Uwe

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