Hi Rich,
thank for the suggestion, but my problem is not changing the paper size. I need to change the size of the text block. I do not really care about the paper size and I was hopeful that LaTex/LyX could work out all the other parameters (left and right margin, inner additional margin, etc.) once given the size of the text block, which, as far as I understand it, is the most basic typesetting item.
On Aug 14, 2004, at 12:27 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
Layout->Document->Paper. Select "Custom" then enter the values above in
the other two data entry widgets.
__________________________________________________ Stefano Franchi Department of Philosophy Ph: (64) 9 373-7599 x83940 University Of Auckland Fax: (64) 9 373-7408 Private Bag 92019 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auckland New Zealand