Rich Shepard wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Angus Leeming wrote:
>> Is this a probem with the paper output or with the view on the lyx
>> screen? If the latter, what frontend are you using?
> Angus,
>   Latter (screen view); lyx-1.3.3-qt. I've not tried it with -1.3.4 on my
> notebook.

So, you have a figure float containing a graphic and a caption:

|     -------------------              |
|     | your_figure.eps |              |
|     -------------------              |
| Figure #: The caption to your figure |

If you fire up the Graphics dialog and set the "LyX Display->Scale:" entry
to 200%, say and press Apply, then the image is resized, but the resized
image overwrites the caption?

Nope, I don't see that. Can you send a small test case illustrating the
problem together with the steps needed to trigger it.


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