Roland Schmitz wrote:
Why don't you use pdflatex in the LyX menu File -> Export?
Because the result file is just about 33% as big as if i use pdflatex
This is only possible if the images are highly compressed, but then they often look ugly. (compression depends on the eps->pdf converter)
Pdflatex has the advantage that you need no converter for png images.
(Btw. the upcoming pdflatex v1.2 produces always smaller pdf files.)
links form the table of context, list of figures ... to the corosponding page are automaticly generated into the pdf.
Links in pdf's are automatically created when you use the package 'hyperref'. Here an example for the preamble
\usepackage[colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue,citecolor=black, filecolor=blue,linkcolor=black,pdfnewwindow=true, pdftitle={your title},bookmarks, pdfpagelayout=OneColumn,pdfstartview=XYZ, bookmarksnumbered,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels, pdfauthor={your name},pdfsubject={your subject}, pdfkeywords={your keywords}]{hyperref}
> As far as i know, tex2pdf uses pdflatex > also.
Yep this is true.
regards Uwe