On 26.04.04, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Roland Schmitz wrote:
> My way of doing this is:
> Insert a figure float. Go inside, set the paragraph type to 
> "standard" instead of the default "caption" Insert two minipages inside 
> the float
> (insert->minipage)  with a hfill (insert->special->hfill) between them.
> Set each minipage to 50% of COL or less.

With 50% the hfill is not necessary, is it?

> In each minipage, include graphichs (insert->graphichs)  Center 
> the graphichs using layout->pragraph.
> Press enter after each graphic, to get a new paragraph. 
> Set the paragraph type to caption, and enter caption text.

Nice, now we only need a keybinding for the command sequence that does this

idea 1: command-sequence ...   Might have problems with some commands

idea 2: put the 2-minipages-float in a template file and do Insert->File


G.Milde at web.de

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