Charlls Quarra wrote: [...]
This is very flexible. One caption for everything, or several captions. Each figure may be sized independently. And they don't all have to be graphichs, feel free to put anything in those minipages; text, graphichs, math, tables, . . .
I just tried this; a couple of observations/doubts:
i set up two minipages of width 30, the figures
30 what? 30% of the text width, or 30 of some unit?
overlap , so i add an \hfill ERT. this gets the
The figures aren't supposed to overlap when the minipages are side by side. You have probably used minipages smaller than the figures. Use minipages at least as wide as, or wider than the figures inside.
figures a bit more separated; However the individual
captions wrap too soon (each line of the individual
minipage captions are less than 12 characters, hardly
more than two words can stay in the same line).
Well, too narrow minipages. Text breaks inside minipages, so make them wide enough.
I try
to improve the situation increasing the width of the
minipages to 40, however now they are too big to be in
the same line.
40 of what? Two minipages that are 40% or even 50% of textwidth (or column with if considering twocolumn) _will_ fit if there is nothing else on the same line. They may or may not fit o a line in the lyx GUI, but use "view dvi" (or "view pdflatex") and see what it really looks like. Remember, the lyx GUI isn't completely WYSIWYG. Make your editor window wider, they might fit better on screen that way. It won't make any difference for the dvi/pdf output.
I go back to width 30 and add an
additional \hfill ERT, but again the graphic minipages are in different lines.
In the lyx editor, or in the dvi/pdf view?
How do you adjust these things to look like in the books?
Send me a problem file and I'll see if I can fix it.
The minipage approach gives me good control over what
ends up on paper (or in pdf). Simple figure layouts works
great in the lyx editor, complicated layouts sometimes looks
bad in the editor when lyx decides on some unnecessary linebreaks
(or breaks the lines because the window is too narrow) but this
does not affect the final output.
Remember that it is WYSIWYM, not WYSIWYG so you'll never get a perfect representation in the editor. There are some breaks that seems completely
unnecessary though, perhaps they get fixed in a later version.
Helge Hafting