I attached the files, created120 means created with Lyx 120, created 132 means the file was created with lyx 132. It was exactly the lyx file I sent already. Using lyx 132 I created two files: One using the "pdf" export option, the other one using dvipdfm
\papersize Custom
why custom and not a4paper? Layout->Document->Paper
Because it is going to be printed on paper having the custom size.
ok, understood. But in this case you should use the PostScript view instead of the dvi one, because xdvi doesn't realize the different pagesetting.
it is impossible to place a pagenumber in a 5mm footer!
ok, sounds reasonable, the strange thing is: it worked with lyx 120, so I didn't pay attention.
I suppose that this depends to the package geometry, which has in the latest version other defaults. And at 1.2 time there exists another version of geometry.
by the way: do not use the font setting from inside LyX, it is deprecated. Write instead in the preamble:
\usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage{courier}% luximono looks nicer here
I'm not sure what you mean...
do not use layout->Document-Font. Nearly all selections are deprecated. Write the above into the preamble.