Am Samstag, 21. Februar 2004 14:03 schrieb Herbert Voss: > Robert Neumann wrote: > > I attached a minimal file that shows the problem > > It works perfectly with Lyx 1.2. with dvi and pdf. > > I cannot believe, please send the 1.2 LyX, log and > tex file.
I attached the files, created120 means created with Lyx 120, created 132 means the file was created with lyx 132. It was exactly the lyx file I sent already. Using lyx 132 I created two files: One using the "pdf" export option, the other one using dvipdfm > > \papersize Custom > > why custom and not a4paper? Layout->Document->Paper Because it is going to be printed on paper having the custom size. > > \topmargin 15mm > > \rightmargin 20mm > > \bottommargin 5mm > > it is impossible to place a pagenumber in a 5mm footer! ok, sounds reasonable, the strange thing is: it worked with lyx 120, so I didn't pay attention. > change your paper size to a4, add some more space to the > top and bottom margin, then everything works well. ok, I will check out, wether this works with the dtp-Programm on which the file is processed afterwards whether this works > by the way: do not use the font setting from inside LyX, > it is deprecated. Write instead in the preamble: > > \usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} > \usepackage{mathptmx} > \usepackage{courier}% luximono looks nicer here I'm not sure what you mean... Thank you so far
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Description: Adobe PDF document
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