Charles James Leonardo Quarra Cappiello wrote:


After you have inserted the figure float, set the cursor behind the word 'Figure' and choose 'standard' instead of 'caption' in the format menu.

There is also the fact that the float won't obey to "here if possible" or even "here definitely" options. I also tried "here if possible"+"ignore Latex Rules" without much luck

Floats float. More or less depending on the rules, but they do float around. If you can't have that - don't use a float.

There are other ways of mixing one- and two-column layout.
Consider using single-column article and use the multicol package.
You can then use \begin{multicols}{2} and \end{multicols} around
the two-column stuff.

That will be all of your document, so an alternative view is that
you use \end{multicols} ... \begin{multicols}{2} around the occational single-column stuff.

Helge Hafting

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