Hi ,
I want one of those equations you usually put with Ctrl-Shift-M that usually take a full line, to span both columns in a two-column equation. I found the following in the archive back from august 2003
On Mon, 03 Mar 2003 11:01:48 -0800, Dekel Tsur wrote:
On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 11:37:47AM -0500, Frederic Leymarie wrote: could someone tell me how to make an equation take the full page width in a 2-column article document ?
Insert the equation into a wide figure float: In LyX 1.2.x: Insert->Floats->Wide figure In LyX 1.3.x: Insert->Floats->Figure, and then press the right mouse button on the figure frame, and select the "span columns" button.
The question would be: Doing this i have the ugly 'Figure:' caption going around, breaking symmetry with the rest of equations which doesnt dock like that, so if i want to do this, i must somehow do _all_ equations like this to preserve document uniformity
There are already new ways to do this? :)
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