> I think Lyx lacks classes in order to make different kinds of documents.
> It's very easy to make an article, a book or whaterver you want, but as soon
> as you want to make somthing else (eg : a thesis, ...), it's a little more
> complicated and if you are not a programer or a Latex user, it's a little
> hard.
> Would it be hard to propose a system that would allow users to define
> themselves the classes they want, in a simple way (eg : like OpenOffice does
> for exemple, so I could define 9 parts/ chapters/ titles/ sections/
> subsections/ subsubsection/ subsubsubsubsection and so on...) ?

We have discussed such a system earlier, and to put it bluntly, it is
probably never going to happen. It is not impossible, but it is very hard
to do. First it needs to construct the latex and lyx class files, which is
complicated. It then needs to advocate good layout. And this is the
hardest bit, most lyx/latex classes have a high typographical standard.
Letting the user shoot him/herself in the (layout-)foot ;-), is probably a
bad ide.

However, if you have lot of time on your hands and really want such a
feature; mail me, I have some ideas how to proceed :-).

If you want to write a thesis use the memoir or the koma-report class. If
you want some fancy fliers use kword. Ot rather use the correct tool for
the task.

If none of the lyx classes fit your need, take a look at:
and then have a look customization (part 6) in help menu in LyX. If you
need help, just ask the lyx-list.


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