Tomoharu Nishino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >> - My .cshrc file was modified according to Tomoharu Nishino' web page
> >>   and contains the lines:
> >>
> >>    source /sw/bin/init.csh
> >>    setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/bin"
> >
> > This is not relevant, and may not be a good idea.
> >
> Ronald is absolutely right on this one.  The more recent versions of
> fink runs a shell-script during the installation process that sets up
> the correct paths, and should not require manual editing of the .cshrc
> file. 

Actually, .cshrc is not relevant to LyX/Mac, which as a GUI
application does not get its PATH from the shell initialization files.
Whatever method fink uses to set the PATH for shells, it may not be a
good idea to follow: fink puts its own directories ahead of system
directories like /bin and /usr/bin.  Unless you're sure of what fink
puts in those directories, and sure you want those binaries instead of
the "normal" binaries, it can be confusing and/or insecure to allow
fink to set your PATH.

Ronald Florence               

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