Andre Poenitz schrieb:

On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 11:13:55AM -0700, Andreas Novak wrote:

dear list,

I'm using the blfs linux system from The installed tex distribution is teTex with tetex-src.tar.gz, tetex-texmf.tar.gz and tetex-texmfsrc.tar.gz.
I'm using ImageMagick for image conversion and lyx 1.3.3 with the qt ui.

My problem is:
I can insert graphics into my documents, all these graphics are correctly shown in Lyx, but when I want to display a DVI or PDF file of the document, none of the images displayed in my document are shown (no error messages in lyx). I can't view the user documentation as DVI/PDF either, the error message is

LaTeX Error: File `prettyref.sty' not found.

[Prettyref has not much to do with graphics....]

*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

I think I have to install some aditional packages - can anybody tell me ??

Looks like you need the prettyref package. LaTeX packages can usually be found on DANTE.


OK I've solved the problem with prettyref, but I've absolutely no idea how to display my images in a dvi/pdf document. I've installed ImageMagick 5.5.7. after selecting view->DVI from the lyx menu, the .eps files are created in the lyx temp folder, but they are not shown in my document!

any ideas?

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