>>From: Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: BibTeX references and several bibfiles
>>Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 18:40:55 +0100
>>X-AntiVirus: checked by AntiVir Milter 1.0.4; AVE; VDF
>>I use several .bib-files in the BibTeX references at the end of my document. 
>>They are all quite large (beyond 1000 entries each). Some references are 
>>listed in two or more of the bibfiles and have the same marks (e.g. AMC+99). 
>>Does somebody know, how a particular reference is searched for if it is found 
>>in let's say bib1.bib and bib2.bib and bib5.bib? According to the sequence in 
>>the  BibTeX data bank (which is, let's say 1,2,3,4,5)? 
>>What is the best way to extract the cited references only and put them in a 
>>new .bib- file which can be read by pybliographic? 

has a merge function which may help.

Nelson Beebe's collection of awk scripts may help as well
(including bib files checking and unique key determination and replacement 
in \cite commands).


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