On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

> Does somebody know, how a particular reference is searched for if it is found
> in let's say bib1.bib and bib2.bib and bib5.bib? According to the sequence in
> the  BibTeX data bank (which is, let's say 1,2,3,4,5)?
> What is the best way to extract the cited references only and put them in a
> new .bib- file which can be read by pybliographic?

I do not know if this is the best way, but it is one way :)
Install sixpack:

Import all your bibfiles into one sixpack-db in the transfer menu. In
Edit choose "mark double CITEIDs, but first", then choose "Delete marked".
And then export to a new BibTeX. This should remove all but the first
encounter of a unique CITEID.


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